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How to use online BMW WDS on Mac OS
A quick guide to help Mac-users use the online WDS (wiring diagrams). You'll need to install the latest Java version, and add the URL to an exception list.

 Open Preferences and then click the Java preference icon. 

 Select "Advanced" and "Edit list" for exception items.

Add "" to the list.

Apply and Save

Restart the browser.

Go to again.

Click the "UK flag" (or any other language you prefer)

Click for instance "X3 E83"

Click the "Click here to load..."

Confirm by selecting "Always allow" (or allow just once if you prefer)

Then acknowledge to "Run" the application

After a short time you'll be presented with the navigation menu.

Attempt to navigate to a section and diagram.

Good luck! 

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What's happening

Today I test-drove the 535 and made sure everything was fine. Fixed the exhaust and trailer problem where the exhaust would rattle against the trailer bars making for a bit too much unpleasant sound. I wrapped 3 trailer straps around the muffler in the correct area so that those will keep the muffler from rattling against the trailer bars.


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