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Setup and configure a GT1/DIS station
You should be able to get a working diagnostics station from these instructions, and if you bought an interface-kit (aka Fisters ADS-kit). I will include the hardware used in my setup, though I do recommend a faster setup. Some issues which I have encountered will also be discussed.

But please note, that this document may contain errors and typos.

During my set up I have used the following equipment:

Compaq Deskpro EN, Pentium 3 with 1GB RAM and a 40GB harddrive

This desktop computer has two real COM-ports which is necessary for usage on older vehicles.

15" LCD monitor with a resolution of 1024x768

First I installed Windows XP and applied all patches and SP3 as per October 2008.

Anti-Virus software and Daemon Tools 3.x was installed.

Daemon Tools is handy to avoid having to burn the BMW ISO-images to a disc.

VMware Server (free) was installed.

Avoid using the 192.168.68.x range of IP addresses since you need them in VMware.

Open the Windows Control Panel and select System preferences.

In System preferences, make sure the Advanded and Env. Variables PATH include the following path:



Apply and Save the changes. Close the Control Panels.



Mount the EDIABAS v6.4.3 and INPA v4.4.7 disc image (ISO).

(Note that I refer to X:, but your drive letter may be different).

Open X:\Referenz\INSTALL and start Instprog.exe

Select OK to the first message, then select English and continue.

Choose to install: BMW Group Rectification programs UK

On the next page select Complete for all packages in the list.

Continue and finish the installation.

EDIABAS/INPA should now be functional.

You may test it by connecting Fisters ADS-kit to COM-port # 1 with a 1-to-1 fully wired cable from the COM-port to the ADS-kit. 

Make sure JP1 is enabled and connect the ODB-cable to your vehicles diagnostics socket.

Start the vehicle, or leave the igntion in position 2 (on).


Start the INPA software and choose to load a .IPO file.

For E32 or E34 vehicles: Press SHIFT-F5 and select E34 and IHKA (or some other module).

You should be able to see live data now.

To continue, exit INPA.

Edit C:\ediabas\bin\ediabas.ini to contain the following values where approriate:

RemoteHost =

Port = 6801

Now we continue to install DIS software.

Make sure VMware Sever is installed. It is a free download from VMware.

Start / Programs / VMware / Manage Networks

Make sure you only have ONE network, VMNet1 and that it is configured with a / subnet setup.

(See for details on this)

Use EasyDIS v1.0 that came with your ADS-kit from Fister. You can install another DIS or GT1 software if you prefer, but I cannot verify how well those work. I havent yet been able to make anything but EasyDIS work properly due to time constraints.

Boot the EasyDIS CD-image in VMware and install it in your virtual machine as set up per

Upon first run you have to choose your language, country, and supply dealer # 12345 and any dealer name you wish.

Click End / Quit to save and exit in the GT1 setup.

Eject the EasyDIS image, and mount "V39 DIS Program" CD-image instead.

Click Administration in your running virtual GT1 machine.

Click the "not active" line in the list of CD-drives.

Click "Activate CD" and "not active" should change text to "V39 Program"

Underneat the DIS-header click Installation to install.

Supply the password 12345 and confirm installation of the DIS.

Note! Clicking with the mouse in VMware may be slow and not register that you let go of the mouse button. Try again if a button gets "stuck".

Click on "V39 Program" in the CD list.

Click "Deactivate CD"

Eject the "V39 DIS Program" image and mount "DIS update 1" image.

Repeat the above steps to install the DIS update 1, and then DIS update 2.

When done choose "Touchscreen Calibration" in the Administration menu of the DIS.

Choose option 1, Config EDIABAS

Choose option 3, and set up FISTER as the interface

Start a terminal / shell by hitting "CTRL + ALT + F4" (F1, F3 and F4 are shells, F2 is the DIS GUI).

Login as "root" with the password "12345". Choose to change the password when prompted to do so. Remember the new password! Make a note of it.

Edit /etc/initab and comment out the line starting with "vm". You can do this from the DIS and FISTER-menu as well if you dont feel comfortable using "vi".

Now we need to configure DIS and INPA to work together.

Quit VMware if it is running.

Start C:\ediabas\bin\ifhserv32.exe

It should show "" when you start up VMware and the DIS connects.

Now you are ready to have fun...

Start the DIS virtual VMware machine

Choose Diagnose, and choose your vehicle series and click on the right arrow to continue...


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